Mama ada dpt email ni dr kawan mama... di harap kawan2 semua ambil manfaat dari apa yg mama 'publish' hr ni... untuk kebaikan, rohani & jasmani kita sekeluarga... sama2 kita menjaga pemakanan seharian kita.... Semoga Allah menghancurkan kaum-kaum yang zalim dan musyrikin yang
Harap kawan2 printkan kod ini dan simpan dlm wallet... semak kod ini sblm membuat pembelian ya...
1. | E100 | 2. | E110 | 3. | E120 | 4. | E140 |
5. | E141 | 6. | E153 | 7. | E160 | 8. | E161 |
9. | E210 | 10. | E213 | 11. | E214 | 12. | E216 |
13. | E234 | 14. | E252 | 15. | E270 | 16. | E280 |
17. | E300 | 18. | E301 | 19. | E325 | 20. | E326 |
21. | E327 | 22. | E334 | 23. | E335 | 24. | E336 |
25. | E337 | 26. | E422 | 27. | E430 | 28. | E431 |
29. | E432 | 30. | E433 | 31. | E434 | 32. | E435 |
33. | E436 | 34. | E440 | 35. | E441 | 36. | E470 |
37. | E471 | 38. | E472 | 39. | E473 | 40. | E474 |
41. | E475 | 42. | E476 | 43. | E477 | 44. | E478 |
45. | E481 | 46. | E482 | 47. | E483 | 48. | E491 |
49. | E492 | 50. | E493 | 51. | E494 | 52. | E495 |
53. | E542 | 54. | E570 | 55. | E572 | 56. | E631 |
57. | E635 | 58. | E904 | 59. | E920 | | |
code ni nak tengok kat maner? produk ape yang ade guner code?
to sarah, cuba tgh kt senarai bahan2 makanan tu.. sllunya ad code tu di situ....
kena baca artikel ini juga...
Which E-numbers and additives are from animal origin ?
In this document we list which E-numbers may be derived from animal origin. In many cases the origin of the product may be either from animal or non-animal sources. This is especially the case for those additives that contain fatty acids. These are normally of plant origin, but animal origin cannot be excluded. As the products are chemically identical, only the produces can give information on the exact origin.
Each religious (Muslim, Jew, Hindu or other) or other group (vegetarians, vegans) can use the list below to determine whether or not to accept the additive.........
check this out..
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