Because you're the gift in my life,
I give you my gift of love.
Because you're the gift in my life,
I give you my gift of love.

All people need love and affection
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happy birthday 2 U...
happy birthday 2 U...
happy birthday 2 abang Shahrul...
happy birthday 2 U...
semoga dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki,
berbahagia sentiasa,
dan semoga semua impian tercapai...
semoga kekal bahagia selamanya
nk wish secara skema skit... SELAMAT HARI JADI ENCIK SHAHRUL MUIM...suami kepada Puan Suriati dan bapa kepada si syamim & syamil....heeeeeeeeeee
Cik dia...
sguh merdu lagu itu.... TQVM atas iringan doa
Thanks a lot atas doa hg tuk km..
Wah3x sguh skema... Thanks a lot
at last...ada new post...tapi aku tetiba malu nak wish apa2 hehehehehe....*malu bewak aku muncul tiba-tiba :p*
eta.... tetiba hg nk bt galak bewak no...hahahahha ak kan x mau bt entry br... x dak mood g.... ni koi2 mai dh....
nasib hg bg semangat kt aku... dh besawang dh.... ak dh vacum sawang2 semua.... huhuhuhuhu
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